Headset - Update

Dear Readers,
I knowI promised that my drawing of the design would be out soon, but a lot has happened in that time - I have been abroad, access to a computer wasn't there, and my laptop doesn't work with the voltages abroad. Also some of the technology involved in this headset is a lot more complex than I originally thought, so the time for this to get drawn up may take a bit longer than I thought (obviously). I am half way through, but I just want to get all the technology stuff under my belt - using electrodes is ner to me, and the CSP is not something I've ever dealt with before, so I want to understand that first before I start incorporating it into my drawings. As for the actual look of the headset, I'm pretty much done.
Also as I've gone along with the drawing I've realized that although it would be cheaper to design it from scratch the way I've done in my drawings (with the exception of electrodes), I'm probably going to buy other pieces and just set them up together - it makes development much easier.
I haven't done too much in terms with the Gamekid project - a lot of my time has been spent on the headset - as I haven't been able to code (my laptop :/). Hopefully in a week or so that should all be sorted and I'll have some more to say on that.
Just know that my headset drawings will be coming soon, and the one for the Gamekid soon after.


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