Research on Magnetic Shielding + quarantine plans

Hi Readers,
Hopefully you are all good, and making a productive use of your quarantine/self isolation  (is anyone really though...?). I wont lie, I have been in a weird limbo between doing school work unproductively and scrolling through Instagram memes. As you all are probably aware, social media IS the enemy of productivity, and upon this revelation, your local nerd has returned with some research. I really have no excuse for inconsistency now, especially considering I have nothing better to do except maybe catch up on missed anime episodes  :/

If you are new here it would be helpful to look at my previous posts, entitled WHATIF -Magnetic Motorways, since this is what most of what I am going to talk about will pertain to.
As previously discussed, a lot of the issues with mobility are concerned with controlling the magnetism and ensuring that neighbouring parts do not interfere. I will add pictures for reference:

This idea for a magnetic base with varying strength of magnetic flux is NICE, but entirely unrealistic considering 2 things:

  1. The weight of the entire vehicle that will have to be upheld by the magnetic repulsion between the cars base and the road. If we consider that a car is normally around 1000 kg in MASS, and multiply this by 10 (9.81 if you're trying to be petty) to get the weight of the entire vehicle. This is 10^4 newtons approx. This must be equated to the force that is produced by the repulsion of the strongly repulsive sections of the base (B). Although there are quite a few of them, they will still need to produce some massive forces of repulsion. The placement of these sections will also have to be under review to ensure that they are distributed evenly around the car's centre of mass, avoiding a bumpy ride for passengers.
  2. The strength of the magnetic field will probably have to be very high if we take into account Force = BIL (Magnetic field strenght * current * length of wire) and the current cannot be too great, neither the length, as this will increase resistance, which increases the heat generated through the wires, which, if not adequately controlled,is just not a pretty finale for the passengers and the car...
(obvioulsy if I use a superconductor then the resistance will be solved, but this requires very cool conditions to operate in, so I would need to introduce some sort of heat exchange - doable but means I need to adjust the design slightly)

Soooo, there is a solution. Magnetic shielding can be used. This is the use of material that has a very high magnetic permeability, so that the magnetic field lines are directed to this material instead of interacting with other poles. It is not possible to completely block magnetic field lines as they must reach the pole of opposite polarity, so the only way to prevent them interfering is to introduce a more magnetically permeable material. From my research, it appears that the best type to use is GIRON (see atch?v=oxg_hCvXSrw for more info). It is also important to add that increasing the thickness of the material also improves the shielding effect. Positioning also matters - too far and the strength of the field is too weak for shielding to be effective. Furthermore, if the field being shielded is too great then one layered shielding (one layer of magnetic shield) is not effective as it becomes over saturated. The best way to accomplish this is is to make concentric circles around the enclosed area. This worked pretty well with my plan for the base, and can be used around the car frame, to separate the passenger holding section of the car from the magnetic base, and to separate the different sections of the base. 

The following posts will be about the incorporation of this, solving the resistance problem, and the starting/stopping/steering controls.

And on to the next section- my plans for quarantine are as follows:

  • make the last game of the game-boy device and make the handheld device
  • do more graphic designing
  • more WHAT IF series
  • start on the brain wave device 
I hope you stay healthy and happy in this time :)


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