WHAT IF: Fitness Battery Part 2

Hello readers!
Hope you've all had a blessed week! This is a late post, so sorry :(. However, my description of the Fit Battery is down below. This is probably very hard to visualise, but a drawing of it will be released sometime this week.
  • The mouthpiece is made from silicone
  • The connecting tube is 50cm long and is made from PVC
  • the FitBattery is 15cm in height, 10cm in width and 2cm in depth. The outer body of it is made from Aluminium
  • On the left side of the battery is a living hinge of polypropylene, and there is an opening/closing cover made of polypropylene that has an opening which connects to the bottom of the battery, where there is a button. The sides of the cover extend for 1cm.
  • The PVC tubing connects to the polypropylene tube (which is like a straw) inside the battery. The inner part of the battery is coated in PTFE for chemical inertness.
  • Inside the battery the 2 electrodes are magnesium and copper - for now these metals will be used but once the testing is successful then I will experiment with metals that have a larger reactivity gap.
  • These are connected to copper wires - there are 2 copper wires, one for each terminal. Each wire is covered by a PVC cover, and these 2 wires are covered by one large PVC cover.
Hopefully this will become more clear once I actually post a drawing of this (to be honest I did do one but I lost it very conveniently just on the day that I wanted to post it so I will need to redo it). 

Last week I said I was working on something quite big, and I can now reveal that I am making...a stress detector (how exciting(!)). It detects stress every 3 minutes for a week and at the end of the week will alert you if you were overly stressed, or if you were chill. Even if this doesn't necessarily exhilarate you, you have to admit that this is a pretty cool idea. I am almost finished it and I will be running tests on it next week, when I will go further into depth about how I made it.  
Have a wonderful week everyone :))


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